Spring break
This year for spring break I am either going to South Carolina or Washington D.C. I personally would rather go to south Carolina. We have went there for the past few years and I really like it there. But so far it looks more like we will end up going to Washington DC. I think I would like going to Washington DC. If I got to chose between the two I would chose to go to South Carolina.

Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
To Build a Fire essay
If you were stranded in the cold would you chose to do what you have been taught to do or would you rely on your instincts? In the short story To Build A Fire by Jack London there is a man walking through the unforgiving Alaskan wilderness. Instead of trusting his instincts he does what he has learned which in the end of the story causes him to lose his life. The lesson in this story is that sometimes it is better to trust your instincts than things that you have been taught. This story is a tragedy for numerous reasons.
The plot line of this story matches the plot line of a tragedy. It starts with the world in chaos for the main character. In this story it is about 75 below 0 and the main character is several miles away from civilization. Next there is a rise to power. The main character starts making good ground and believes that he will make it to his destination sooner than he expected. After that comes a tragic flaw. Well walking the main character steps through the ice into knee deep water. Then the tragic flaw leads to a tragic fall. The main character failed to make a fire to keep himself warm. Last there is death or death symbolism. Due to the main characters mistake of stepping in water he freezes to death. This story's plot line is identical to the plot line of a tragedy.
Along with plot line this story has characteristics similar to those of a tragedy. In order to be a tragedy a book has to be realistic. This story is very realistic. sadly there are people that do get lost and freeze to death. The other characteristic that all tragedies have is that the main character is in control. The main character didn’t have to go out in the cold. He didn’t have to keep traveling, he could have stopped and built a fire hoping that someone would find him. Stepping in the water was also under control of the main character, he didn’t have to go that way and take that risk but he did and it cost him his life. The main character was clearly in control throughout the whole story.
Not only does this story have the characteristics it needs it also has the same purpose as a tragedy. The purpose of a tragedy is to learn a moral lesson. The lesson in this story was that sometimes it is better to trust your instincts than things that you have been taught. The main character decided to obey what he has been taught and the result was death. The dog that was with him thought he was foolish, and knew that they shouldn’t have kept going. In the end the dog lived and the main character didn’t. We could never have enough knowledge to replace our innate behaviors.
The lesson in this story is one that could possibly save your life one day. To Build a Fire is a tragedy for many reasons. This story contains everything it needs to be a tragedy. It showed that you should sometimes trust your instincts which is the lesson learned. The characteristics of this story matched the characteristics of a tragedy. This story's plot line was also the same as a tragedy plot line. This story is a tragedy for numerous reasons.
The plot line of this story matches the plot line of a tragedy. It starts with the world in chaos for the main character. In this story it is about 75 below 0 and the main character is several miles away from civilization. Next there is a rise to power. The main character starts making good ground and believes that he will make it to his destination sooner than he expected. After that comes a tragic flaw. Well walking the main character steps through the ice into knee deep water. Then the tragic flaw leads to a tragic fall. The main character failed to make a fire to keep himself warm. Last there is death or death symbolism. Due to the main characters mistake of stepping in water he freezes to death. This story's plot line is identical to the plot line of a tragedy.
Along with plot line this story has characteristics similar to those of a tragedy. In order to be a tragedy a book has to be realistic. This story is very realistic. sadly there are people that do get lost and freeze to death. The other characteristic that all tragedies have is that the main character is in control. The main character didn’t have to go out in the cold. He didn’t have to keep traveling, he could have stopped and built a fire hoping that someone would find him. Stepping in the water was also under control of the main character, he didn’t have to go that way and take that risk but he did and it cost him his life. The main character was clearly in control throughout the whole story.
Not only does this story have the characteristics it needs it also has the same purpose as a tragedy. The purpose of a tragedy is to learn a moral lesson. The lesson in this story was that sometimes it is better to trust your instincts than things that you have been taught. The main character decided to obey what he has been taught and the result was death. The dog that was with him thought he was foolish, and knew that they shouldn’t have kept going. In the end the dog lived and the main character didn’t. We could never have enough knowledge to replace our innate behaviors.
The lesson in this story is one that could possibly save your life one day. To Build a Fire is a tragedy for many reasons. This story contains everything it needs to be a tragedy. It showed that you should sometimes trust your instincts which is the lesson learned. The characteristics of this story matched the characteristics of a tragedy. This story's plot line was also the same as a tragedy plot line. This story is a tragedy for numerous reasons.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Ill never forget the time I almost drowned at the dells. It was very scary and at that time I had no idea how to react to the situation. It is not a good memory but it is one I will probably never forget.
My friend Taylor and I had never been to the dells and didn’t know what to expect. When we go t there we were stunned. We were staying for only two days. On the first day we had a great time. The second was good until we went on the lazy river. Neither of us knew how to swim and we were both unable to stand with our heads above water. Un aware of what was going to happen we set out. We grabbed a double tube. The first lap around was kind of boring so we started to tip the tube a little bit tot entertain ourselves. The tube flipped. I tried to take a breathe but I found myself with a mouthful of water. I panicked. We were trying to use each other to get above water. At that time I was smaller than my friend so I was unable to reach the surface. We even drifted right past a life guard. Then my mom came. She got each of us out of the water. I was still panicked though. After that I didn’t want to go anywhere near the water.
That is one memory that I will never forget. It didn’t effect me very much, I was never afraid of the water even after that happened. It is not a good memory but it is one I will never forget.
My friend Taylor and I had never been to the dells and didn’t know what to expect. When we go t there we were stunned. We were staying for only two days. On the first day we had a great time. The second was good until we went on the lazy river. Neither of us knew how to swim and we were both unable to stand with our heads above water. Un aware of what was going to happen we set out. We grabbed a double tube. The first lap around was kind of boring so we started to tip the tube a little bit tot entertain ourselves. The tube flipped. I tried to take a breathe but I found myself with a mouthful of water. I panicked. We were trying to use each other to get above water. At that time I was smaller than my friend so I was unable to reach the surface. We even drifted right past a life guard. Then my mom came. She got each of us out of the water. I was still panicked though. After that I didn’t want to go anywhere near the water.
That is one memory that I will never forget. It didn’t effect me very much, I was never afraid of the water even after that happened. It is not a good memory but it is one I will never forget.
Class story
" Faster, faster, faster." " Its closing in, quick." John dove out into the open air just in time. He turned back just in time to see his partner crushed between the two walls. He was on his own. Fred struggled to his feet than ran trying to spare his own life. Moments later he was picked up off the ground. He felt as though he was being carried by a giant bird. The world was spinning, suddenly everything went black. John assumed he was dead and in a way he wished he was dead, he had nothing more to lose. He woke up feeling week and drowsy. He sat up and tried take in his surroundings. He didn’t recognize anything. It was scorching, he looked around to see lava leaping up the sides of the decrepit looking walls. He turned around and now once again wished he was dead. In front of him was something worse than he could ever imagine. It was as if a nightmare had came to life. It had the same build as a dragon it but was much, much worse. There was nothing but bones with a small layer of transparent skin. It was horrifying. He wanted all this to end. He tried to find a way out but there was none. He jumped, just trying to put himself out of his misery. The creature got to him before he fell to his death. He was crushed instantly by the jaws of the animal. That was the end of Fred nobody knew he was gone and if they did they wouldn’t be able to find him.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Daylight savings
Daylight savings is when you change your clock either an hour earlier or an hour before. In the fall it gives you an extra hour of sleep but in the spring it takes away an hour of sleep. This last weekend it has taken away an hour of sleep. I've felt tired all week and Have never been willing to get out of bed. Over all I dislike daylight savings. I think that we should just never change our clocks like most other countries do. Daylight savings isnt needed.
Friday, March 11, 2011
The lottery literary analysis
How would you react if you won the lottery? In the short story "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson winning the lottery means losing your life. Every one in the village has to pick a slip of paper out of the box. There is one slip that has a black dot on it. Then the family of the person who picked the black dot slip takes another slip. Whoever gets it on the second draw gets stones hurled at he or she until they are no longer living. This book has an irony mode of literature for many reasons.
The prize of winning the lottery is death, that is ironic. When most people think of a lottery they think of the winner getting a large some of money or something else that would have a positive impact on their life. It is ironic how in the short story winning the lottery is what you would least want to happen to you. The fact that the story itself is ironic is one of the main reasons that this story is an irony.
Along with being ironic this short story also has the characteristics needed to be classified as an irony mode of literature. Irony's are very unrealistic. Losing your life as a prize for winning the lottery fortunately isn't realistic. Another characteristic is that the main character can do no right. The main character knew her husband had picked the slip with the black dot, she demanded a redraw and she herself ended up getting the slip with the black dot. Another characteristic is that the main character is stupid and weak. She demanded a redraw which in a way was stupid and she didn’t even bother trying to defend herself as her whole village including her family hurled stones at her. This short story's characteristics also match those of an irony.
Another thing that makes this story an irony besides the characteristics is the plotline. An irony plotline starts with the world in chaos. For the village in the short story having the lottery means chaos. Next comes a major conflict. The major conflict is that the main character sees that her husband has the slip with the black dot which means that there is still a chance she will win. Last there is death or loss of sanity for the main character. The whole village including her own family threw stones at her until she died. This story's plotline matches the plotline of an irony.
As you can see The Lottery by Shirley Jackson definitely has an irony mode of literature. When you think of winning a lottery you would probably never think of the prize being death. This story contains everything it needs to have an irony mode of literature.
The prize of winning the lottery is death, that is ironic. When most people think of a lottery they think of the winner getting a large some of money or something else that would have a positive impact on their life. It is ironic how in the short story winning the lottery is what you would least want to happen to you. The fact that the story itself is ironic is one of the main reasons that this story is an irony.
Along with being ironic this short story also has the characteristics needed to be classified as an irony mode of literature. Irony's are very unrealistic. Losing your life as a prize for winning the lottery fortunately isn't realistic. Another characteristic is that the main character can do no right. The main character knew her husband had picked the slip with the black dot, she demanded a redraw and she herself ended up getting the slip with the black dot. Another characteristic is that the main character is stupid and weak. She demanded a redraw which in a way was stupid and she didn’t even bother trying to defend herself as her whole village including her family hurled stones at her. This short story's characteristics also match those of an irony.
Another thing that makes this story an irony besides the characteristics is the plotline. An irony plotline starts with the world in chaos. For the village in the short story having the lottery means chaos. Next comes a major conflict. The major conflict is that the main character sees that her husband has the slip with the black dot which means that there is still a chance she will win. Last there is death or loss of sanity for the main character. The whole village including her own family threw stones at her until she died. This story's plotline matches the plotline of an irony.
As you can see The Lottery by Shirley Jackson definitely has an irony mode of literature. When you think of winning a lottery you would probably never think of the prize being death. This story contains everything it needs to have an irony mode of literature.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Short Story Literary Annaylisis
Have you ever thought about what it would be like to travel to the past? In the short story A Sound of Thunder by Ray Bradbury. A small group of people go on a hunting trip. This hunting trip isn't like most others though. They travel back in time and hunt dinosaurs. They need to be very careful because almost anything they do in the past can affect the future. In the end one man bails out at the sight of the dinosoar and goes back to the time machine. On the way back he felt like he lost control over himself he wondered off the path. He stepped on a butterfly. When he finally got back to the present thing weren't how they were when he left. He lifted his rifle and shot him for not following to instructions. My favorite thing about this story is how the author didn’t tell you exactly what happened but he gave you enough clues to figure it out. This book has an irony mode of literature for a number of different reasons.
One of the main reasons this book is an irony is the plotline. An irony begins with the world in chaos. In the story they are time traveling which is almost guaranteed to soon be illegal. Next comes a major conflict. One man wondered off the path and which could affect the future on a massive scale. Last there is death or loss of sanity for the main character. When they come back from the future they see a sign. It was spelled much differently than it had been when they left for the past. The guide lifted his rifle and shot the man who had wondered off the path. The plotline goes exactly how it needs to to be classified as an irony.
Along with the plotline this story also has the characteristics it needs to fit into the irony category. One of the main characteristics of an irony is non-realistic. In this story they travel back in time to hunt dinosaurs which is currently impossible. In an irony the main character is not in control. In the story it specifically said that he felt like he couldn’t control his movements anymore. Ironies are supposed to expose people’s fears. The man saw the dinosaur and completely lost his composure. He didn’t want to be there any more, he was afraid. The characteristics matched those of an irony.
There are many reasons that this book is an irony. It doesn’t relate to any of the other modes of literature. Comedy and tragedy have to be realistic, romance is happy and nothing can go wrong. I enjoyed reading this story because it got me wondering what it would be like to actually go back to the past. Wouldn’t it be interesting to see how the world once looked? This story has an irony mode of literature for a number of different reasons.
One of the main reasons this book is an irony is the plotline. An irony begins with the world in chaos. In the story they are time traveling which is almost guaranteed to soon be illegal. Next comes a major conflict. One man wondered off the path and which could affect the future on a massive scale. Last there is death or loss of sanity for the main character. When they come back from the future they see a sign. It was spelled much differently than it had been when they left for the past. The guide lifted his rifle and shot the man who had wondered off the path. The plotline goes exactly how it needs to to be classified as an irony.
Along with the plotline this story also has the characteristics it needs to fit into the irony category. One of the main characteristics of an irony is non-realistic. In this story they travel back in time to hunt dinosaurs which is currently impossible. In an irony the main character is not in control. In the story it specifically said that he felt like he couldn’t control his movements anymore. Ironies are supposed to expose people’s fears. The man saw the dinosaur and completely lost his composure. He didn’t want to be there any more, he was afraid. The characteristics matched those of an irony.
There are many reasons that this book is an irony. It doesn’t relate to any of the other modes of literature. Comedy and tragedy have to be realistic, romance is happy and nothing can go wrong. I enjoyed reading this story because it got me wondering what it would be like to actually go back to the past. Wouldn’t it be interesting to see how the world once looked? This story has an irony mode of literature for a number of different reasons.
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