Are you content with the way your government is run? Most of us are able to answer this question with a true opinion but citizens of the community from the novel The Giver by Lois Lowry are not. They are unaware of how their government is run. The government controls their every move. The government in this novel is politically incorrect in more ways than one can imagine.
The government absolutely controls every action made by the people belonging to the community. It almost as if the citizens of the community are puppets being controlled by the government, but the people have no idea that they are being controlled. The people of the community have no knowledge of their history beyond their generation. They have never experienced or even heard of some of the things they are restricted from such as both positive and negative feelings, the ability to see color, and even the ability to make their own decisions. The people of the community are sheltered from nearly everything without knowing it.
Our government on the other hand allows us the freedom to do most of the things they couldn’t. For example here our future is entirely up to us, we can decide to pursue almost any career we wish. In the book there is a gathering called the ceremony of twelves(p52). At this ceremony the elders which are essentially the body of the government gives each twelve their role. A role in the community is like a job. The next day all of the twelves go off to start receiving training for their role. Another difference between our form of government and theirs is all of the things we have access to. We can see color, feel the temperature, have feelings, and much more. In the community they do not have access to any of these things. The restrictions of their government help those who aren’t happy with ours realize that it could be much worse.
Also the way their government controls them is not beneficial for the people or the elders. Both the people and the elders are unable to enjoy themselves while being controlled. The government is very strict with all of its rules, if broken you will be released from the community in other words killed. The way the government controls the people is not beneficial to the people.
The way the government runs the community is wrong. It doesn’t allow the people any freedom. They are not even in control of their own lives which is wrong. The Government is politically incorrect in more ways than one can imagine.